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English Summary

The campaign Jealousy is not romantic (Sw. Svartsjuka är inte romantiskt) is aimed at young people. This website is here for you who are a victim of violence in a relationship, worried for a friend, exposing someone else to violence or simply wish to know more about boys’ violence against girls and youth intimate partner violence.

Youth intimate partner violence is when a young person uses violence against their girlfriend, boyfriend, or partner. Violence can be many different things and be perpetrated in different types of relationships. It can for example be someone you are dating, having a sexual relationship with, are involved with, or previously have had a relationship with. The violence can be physical, psychological, sexual, or digital. On this website, you can read more about violence and get tips on where to turn if you need support and help. Violence is never okay and is often a criminal act. You are entitled to support and help no matter where you live.

We often talk about jealousy as something romantic, but there is nothing romantic about jealousy when it equals control and violence. The more you know about the problem, the easier it is to reflect on and talk about. The campaign is also meant to increase awareness among adults so that you as a young person will get the support and help you need. Information and support materials on violence is available to those of you who work with young people.

In the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention’s (Brå) report Brott i nära relationer bland unga (Domestic abuse in young people’s relationships), 23 percent of girls and young women (ages 16-24) stated that they at some point had been victims to violence, compared with 14 percent of boys and young men.

Other circumstances in life that may affect exposure to violence is to be a young LGBTQ person, young with disabilities, or young and exposed to honour-related violence and oppression. Boys use violence in intimate relationship to a greater extent than others, but people of all genders may both be exposed to and expose others to violence. Violence is perpetrated in both heterosexual and LGBTQ relationships, which is why we talk about boys’ violence against girls and youth intimate partner violence. We use the word ‘partner’ on these pages, but the examples may also apply to someone who the person is not involved with but dating, have a sexual relationship with or was previously involved with.

The campaign is a collaboration between the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, the County Administrative Boards, and ungarelationer.se.

Sweden’s National Women’s Helpline (Kvinnofridslinjen)

Kvinnofridslinjen is a national helpline who offers support to those who experience violence and threats, physical, psychological and sexual violence. Relatives and friends are also welcome to call. The helpline is open around the clock and your call is free of charge. Your call will not show on the telephone bill. The staff is Swedish-speaking but can use consult an interpreter when necessary. Please hold while the interpreter is being connected. It may take up to 15 minutes. Kvinnofridslinjen can only be accessed in Sweden

Website: https://kvinnofridslinjen.se/en/
Phone: 020-50 50 50

Choose to stop (Välj att sluta)

Choose to stop is a confidential and anonymous helpline that is offering advice, information and support to help you stop being violent and abusive to your partner or ex-partner. The line is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 08:30-16:00. The staff is Swedish-speaking but can consult interpreters when necessary. Simply ask for an interpreter when you call us.

Website: https://valjattsluta.se/valjattslutaen
Phone: 020-555 666


Youmo is a website for young people aged 13-20 years with information, pictures and films about the human body, love, health, sex and many other topics. Here you can read about equality, your rights and how to find help to improve your well-being. You will also find information on how to contact all the youth guidance centres in Sweden.

Website: https://www.youmo.se/en/

Children’s rights in society (Bris)

Bris is an organization for children and youth up to the age of 18. You can contact Bris and talk or chat to a counselor. Calling is free of charge and it’s not visible on the phone bill. Bris is open daily between 09-12:00 and 14:00-21:00.

Website https://www.bris.se/
Phone: 116 111