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About the website

The website is designed to be accessible and able to be used by as many people as possible. On this page, you can find more information about how our website is structured and how you can ensure the best user experience.


The website is adapted for optimal viewing, regardless of whether you view the website on your mobile, tablet or computer. The appearance of the website may vary between different browsers, but all content is accessible.

About cookies

This website uses cookies to improve your experience when you visit the website. Read more on the page About cookies.

Find content on the website

There are different ways to access the website content that interests you.

  • The page has a search function. Enter one or more words in the search field and then press “Search” on the page or use your “Enter” key.
  • Using the navigation bar on top, you can navigate to the content that interests you.
  • The website’s subpages use breadcrumb links. These allow you to easily see where you are on the website.

If you do not find the information you are looking for on our website, you are always welcome to contact us. You will also find contact details in the footer of the website.